5 Easy Steps to Organic Weed Control for Beds & Borders

5 Easy Steps to Organic Weed Control

for Beds & Borders

Tony Alter via Flickr

Tony Alter via Flickr

Blistered hands and aching backs are common complaints after digging or hoeing (mine is!!). If you were to track every hour spent in your garden, you would probably find that you do an inordinate amount of weeding. And while the first few weeks of tearing up these intruders can prove mildly satisfying, the chore soon wears thin!! Keeping weeds under control isn’t always a question of digging or spraying. A physical barrier (called a mulch) will also help to prevent weed seeds from germinating. This light-excluding layer on the soil surface can be of gravel, bark chippings or easily obtained organic matter.

Want more tips on banishing those naughty weeds from your beds and borders? Click the link below and get all of the information you will need….

5 Easy Steps to Organic Weed Control for Beds & Borders