5 Fun Ways To Paint In The rain

5 Fun Ways To Paint In The rain

photo credit to housingaforest.com

photo credit to housingaforest.com

Turn a rainy day into a new adventure with rain painting! Add paint to paper and then hold it under the rain. Kids can see the impressions of the raindrops, and watch the pain be transformed into a fun new art project! Housingaforest.com has come up with 5 Fun Ways To Paint In The Rain… These are great ideas for you and children to enjoy on those gloomy rainy days!Make them fun and inspiring – then maybe go puddle jumping right after! There are lots of outdoor rainy day play activities, along with fun science experiments you could try! Click the link below to read the full article….

*** If you are wanting to keep kids artwork I recommend using a thicker paper. Card and water color paper both work well.

5 Fun Ways To Paint In The rain