5 Tall Flowering Plants for Fall
October marks the beginning of the fall gardening season. Yes I know it’s September but you have to think in advance about your garden! Everything in your garden will need some attention, and flower and vegetable gardens will be started. We don’t think about fall flowers until are gardens start to fade before the season is over. And ok these plants in this article don’t add a lot to the garden during summer, but they are definitely worth the wait. In the fall, your local garden centre should have a selection of cool-weather loving flowers ready to take home. Some of course will tolerate the frost and may last into the snowy months. Fall flowers need to establish their roots in warm soils. So, you really need to start getting them in now so they get a healthy root system developed before the cool fall and cooler winter slows their development through the soil. Click the link below to find out what these tall flowing plants are……