50 Amazingly Clever Cheat Sheets To Simplify Home Decorating Projects

50 Amazingly Clever Cheat Sheets To Simplify Home Decorating Projects

Image: nyphotographic cc3

Image: nyphotographic cc3

We can’t all have the home decorating rules memorized! Whether you’re looking to bring in some color, or pick the perfect plants, it’s all on here! From hardwood flooring to types of curtains, you’ll never have to guess again.

Elisabeth Kruger of DIY & Crafts Blog has come to your rescue with a crash course in interior design. With all of the tips and cheat sheets she’s collected, you could print yourself out a home decor manual that will serve you for years. You’ll even learn the names of every drapery style, type of hardwood, and what the base colors of all those whites are. Click the link below for all of the details…

50 Amazingly Clever Cheat Sheets To Simplify Home Decorating Projects