50 Raw Food Recipes

50 Raw Food Recipes

Nuagecafe via Wikimedia

Nuagecafe via Wikimedia

Ever since your mom force-fed you broccoli, you’ve realized that raw, unprocessed foods are good for your body—and your waistline. You will find tasty recipes on this site with lots of raw food menu suggestions. You’ll find over 50 healthy raw food recipes in the following categories:

– Breakfast,
– Lunch;
– Dinner;
– Snacks;
– Smoothies;
– Juices.

Raw foodists eat only uncooked, unprocessed food, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and, for certain types of raw foodists, meat and fish. You may not be ready to give up your whole-grain muffins, but adding more raw food to your diet can be tastier than you think. Authers; Audrey & Matt over at off-grid.net also have a PDF for you to check out! Click the link below and hop over there now:

50 Raw Food Recipes