50 Things You Will Never Be Able To Forget

50 Things You Will Never Be Able To Forget

David Goehring via Flickr

David Goehring via Flickr

WOW – Blast from the past! It’s amazing how much progress we’ve made. When I was a child there was no such thing as the internet. All of my school search was through reading books, until I got to college! Even then we were only allowed 2 hours of internet for a family of 4 and then we had to turn it off because our 2 hours of internet time would charge us more money and we couldn’t afford it! I remember the connection to the internet was the worst…. literally took 5 minutes to connect!

Look how far we have come…. The technology these days is amazing yet we still moan… So pay attention to your outlook on life.  Every day you can either regret or rejoice; it’s your choice.  When you choose the latter, life opens doors to amazing experiences you will likely remember forever. Check out these awesome memories from buzzfeed.com, I wonder how many you will remember and how many will jog your memory. Click the link below and view all 50…

50 Things You Will Never Be Able To Forget