50 Tips to Spot Morels

50 Tips to Spot Morels

Image: iowadnr.gov

Image: iowadnr.gov

Its deliciously earthy, nutty, steak-like flavor makes the morel mushroom the No. 1 target of wild mushroom hunters across North America. The author shares 50 tips and secrets that they have used over a period of time and have been very successful at it. Knowing what you should be looking for, where the best places to look and times to go hunting, make it much easier to plan your outing and help ensure the most success.

You may not find morels every time you hit the woods, but you can probably bet on a tick or few finding you. Lyme disease is not something to take lightly. Dress appropriately, use a tick repellent and be sure to give yourself a once-over when you get home. Click here to read about 50 tips to look for while hunting for Morel Mushrooms: Good luck, have fun, and good eating!

50 Tips to Spot Morels