6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed

By SizeSquare’s/shutterstock

Yes, I have this and it’s awful! Especially when I get into bed after a long day… I get shooting pains from the base of my back all the way down my right leg. I admit, It was worse when I was pregnant due to the weight I was carrying but it’s still there… So glad I found this!

Based off of yoga positions, these stretches are simple moves that you can do in bed before you get up in the morning or before you go to sleep at night. You can do them on the floor if you prefer. See all of the stretches and read more about them over on Prevention.

6 Simple Sciatica Stretches You Can Do In Bed