66 Small Changes to Make a Big Difference

66 Small Changes to Make a Big Difference

photo credit to sustainability.water.ca.gov

photo credit to sustainability.water.ca.gov

Sometimes little changes can be just as powerful as big ones! This article from Kris, over at attainable-sustainable.net, explores the different steps we can take to improve our footprint on the earth. Whether it’s in the bathroom, the kitchen, outside or around town, there are plenty of ideas here that each of us can embrace, even if it’s only one…every little helps!

Imagine if every person in the world took one of these below to help save the planet, that would mean that over 7 billion changes would already have begun. How many of the list below do you already do? How many, after reading this, are you going to try? Share this with your friends and family and lets get this world back on track! You can view all 66 environment saving suggestions right here by clicking the link below…

66 Small Changes to Make a Big Difference