7 Natural Toothpaste Recipes

7 Natural Toothpaste Recipes

photo credit to natural-homeremedies-for-life

photo credit to natural-homeremedies-for-life

These homemade toothpaste recipes are 100% natural, perfectly edible, and full of the minerals your teeth need to re-build enamel and maintain healthy teeth and gums.These recipes utilize natural ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda and bentonite clay to clean teeth and nourish the gums. Several of them were designed to be squeezable and even kid-tested so you know your little ones will be comfortable using their new homemade toothpaste. livingthenourishedlife.com has done an awesome round-up of 7 of her favorite recipes, so you get to test these out yourself and pick the best one suitable to you!

Most store-bought toothpaste contains glycerin, which has actually been shown to weaken tooth enamel over the long-term. That’s because it layers the teeth with a film that prevents the minerals in your saliva from interacting with your tooth enamel. By making a homemade toothpaste recipe, you can leave out the fluoride and glycerinand instead pack your homemade toothpaste with the minerals your tooth enamel needs. Are you ready? Click the link below….

7 Natural Toothpaste Recipes