7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today

7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today

By Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock.com

If you’re new to prepping, don’t go into panic mode, but do get a jump start on your preps with this beginning prepping tutorial. Bookmark this article and get starting prepping today. Being prepared consists of 3 things:

  1. Skills to make your self reliant and able to deal with a wide range of situations
  2. A Plan to deal with likely problems, this should be flexible to deal with unknowable factors
  3. Equipment and gear to help you enact your plan and leverage your skills.  Note that this is last on the list.  You can survive on your skills and plan alone but having the right gear (and knowing how to use it) makes life easier and increases your chances of success.

There are several things that you can do to start prepping for a disaster right away. This will offer you the peace of mind that will help you and your family stay safe when something does go wrong. Click the link below and hop over to thebackyardpioneer.com for all of the information you will need………

7 Ways To Get Started Prepping Today