70+ Preparedness Gardening Projects

70+ Preparedness Gardening Projects

photo credit to Andrea Parrish

photo credit to Andrea Parrish

Having food stockpiled is great and will keep you fed but what would you do if the emergency you were in didn’t end? what if you get robbed, what if you didn’t stockpile enough? These are all great questions I ask my self and friends. Gardening is the easiest key to keep you fed in times of need. 

My favourite link which I am so pleased I found on the list is : Companion planting made easy .. I say that it’s my favourite because when you understand companion planting you can yield a much bigger and fuller crop. This would be essential in a SHTF situation as space may be an issue and let’s be honest seeds may be harder to come by. Click the link below to check out these gardening projects….

Preparedness Gardening Projects