75 Frugal Hacks for Your Home

75 Frugal Hacks for Your Home

When it comes to frugal tips, there are some old tricks that have been practiced for a long time. For instance, one of the many uses for baking soda is as a cleaning substitute to wash your countertops. Or, to give new life to your grungy sponges, you simply pop them in the microwave with some vinegar and lemons. Finally, using egg cartons instead of buying expensive indoor greenhouses is one of the many home gardening tips to save money on your gardening. 

Or how about: LOWER/RAISE YOUR THERMOSTAT – This was really helpful in our old house. The low was at 65 and the high at 80. It made a big difference. DRESS IN LAYERS – When it’s cold, bundle up and use blankets. That’s what sweaters and socks are for. TAKE COOL OFF SHOWERS – In the summer, dress in light, flowy clothing and take short cool-off showers throughout the day. Apply peppermint essential oil to your chest and the back of your neck. Turns out you can survive without an air conditioner. As I mentioned, many of us are already doing or have heard of many of these ideas that helping with saving money and living a greener life. Check out more frugal hacks for your home here via the link below: 

75 Frugal Hacks for Your Home