All-Natural Chest Rub Bars

All-Natural Chest Rub Bars

By Subbotina Anna/

Did you know commercial vapor rubs are typically petroleum based and add camphor which has been synthetically derived from the oil of turpentine and menthol, which is typically synthetically made. So I was able to find several recipes for homemade vapor rubs, but I wasn’t too crazy about any one in particular but this one sounded perfect!

Having chest congestion is annoying. It makes you cough and gives you difficulty in breathing. So if you’re having one, here’s an all-natural chest rub bar as an alternative to store bought! Unlike the regular vapor rubs, this doesn’t contain synthetic ingredients. These are made from natural materials like shea butter, coconut oil, beeswax, and essential oils. This is a very nice recipe and perfect as we move into cold and flu season – or catch one once in while!

All-Natural Chest Rub Bars