An Entire Year of Homeschool Lesson Plans

An Entire Year of Homeschool Lesson Plans

woodleywonderworks via Flickr

woodleywonderworks via Flickr

The first step in planning out your year is to decide what your year will look like. Taking into consideration your state requirements as well as any holidays, family vacations, etc., you’ll want to create a basic outline for your year. You’ll also want to decide if you prefer to follow a more traditional school schedule or homeschool year round taking breaks at times that work better for the needs of your family. 

Some states have requirements that the school year consist of at least 180 days of instruction. These are two of the most common set ups:

  1. 180 days of school, 5 days a week from Late August to Mid-June, for a total of 36 weeks. (16 weeks of vacation)
  2. 180 days of school, 4 days a week, for a total of 45 weeks. (7 weeks of vacation)

If you’ve been homeschooling for more than five minutes, you’re well aware that it takes quite a bit of planning and organization to keep a homeschool running smoothly. There are curriculums to review, lessons to plan, reading lists to organize, plus grades and attendance to track. Penny from over at has some fantastic resources for you to check out – click here for more information:

An Entire Year of Homeschool Lesson Plans