Apple Yogurt Bread with Granola Streusel

Apple Yogurt Bread with Granola Streusel

Apple Yogurt Bread

Apple Yogurt Bread/shutterstock

” This apple yogurt bread with granola streusel is my new favorite fall breakfast treat! It’s packed full of yummy seasonal ingredients including one super special ingredient that elevates the flavors and keeps the bread moist and delicious – Yoplait yogurt! ” I eat an apple most days and my favorites are Pink Lady apples.

Apples are one of my top healthy choices when I’m craving something sweet. Add it to a bread, amazing combo! This bread. Oh man… It’s not super sweet, which is what I love most about it. It’s sweetened just enough to allow the apple flavor to really shine through. Any more sweetness and I’m afraid the apples would get lost in all the sugar. Get the full recipe and directions here.

Apple Yogurt Bread with Granola Streusel