Awesome DIY Sandbox

Awesome DIY Sandbox

Image: rionled via imgur

Image: rionled via imgur

Lots of people have fond memories of spending hours at the playground as kids. There was something so exciting about getting as high as you could on a swing set or building castles in the sandbox. You could stay for hours, and it never seemed to get old.

Here’s what rionled used for his custom sandbox:

  • Decking timber in 6×2 and 4×2 sizes
  • 75mm and 45mm screws
  • 8 hinges
  • 4 handles 
  • Wood stain 
  • Drop saw
  • Drill
  • Spray gun for painting

The next time you spot a really neat item with a price you don’t want to pay, remember what rionled did and see if you can build it yourself. Plus, the satisfaction that comes from making something with your hands just can’t be beat! Check out the instructions below…

Awesome DIY Sandbox