Barbecue Sauce – Sweet & Tangy, Spicy, or Smoky

Barbecue Sauce: Sweet & Tangy, Spicy, or Smoky

Barbecue Sauce: Sweet & Tangy, Spicy, or Smoky

Barbecue Sauce: Sweet & Tangy, Spicy, or Smoky /shutterstock

You know that feeling when you’re standing in the store and you just don’t know which barbecue sauce to choose? (A barbecue sauce moment, I like to call it!). Do you pick the tomatoey one? The vinegary one? Or do you pick the mustard one? The spicy? The sweet? Or maybe the smoky one? If you can make your own, do it!

Over at Monica has created 3 simple sauce recipes for you! She has also included tags that you can download and print for labelling your barbecue sauces!  The sauce will also keep in the fridge for several months – perfect! To make your own barbecue sauce, either – sweet and tangy, spicy or smoky – click the link below…..

Barbecue Sauce – Sweet & Tangy, Spicy, or Smoky