Build A Shed Chicken Coop (Free Plans!)

Build A Shed Chicken Coop (Free Plans!)

photo credit: ana-white

photo credit: ana-white

Ana White and Whitney work together on this amazing chicken coop design, which is also a shed! Check out where you will find Whitney’s article for this project! So what will you need? 

SHOPPING LIST: • 6 – Sheets T1-11 side or other sheathing • 1 – Sheet 3/4″ plywood suitable for flooring • 40 – 2×4 x8 or stud length (only 5 must be full 8 feet length) • 17 – 1×4 @ 8 feet long • 8 – 1×3 @ 8 feet long • 3 – Sheets 1/2″ plywood suitable for roof • 1 – 1×12 @ 10 feet long • Hinges for doors and shutters and nesting box • 16d nails for framing with 2x4s OR 3” wood screws (for framing 2×4 walls) • 2” galvanized or ring shank nails for attaching T1-11 and roofing plywood and trim boards • 1 1/2” Pocket hole screws for attaching roof rafters • 1 1/4″ Pocket hole screws for building doors and nesting box • Roofing to cover approximately 50 square feet. TOOLS: measuring tape, square, pencil, hammer (can be substituted for brad nailer with a nail punch), safety glasses, hearing protection, Kreg Jig, Drill, Circular Saw, Brad Nailer, Level, Countersink Drill Bit.

I think this is the best design I have seen! The color is stunning and the plans are well thought out. You will find the full tutorial from both ladies here:

Build A Shed Chicken Coop (Free Plans!)