How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle

How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle

Mice can be annoying pests, and there are many ways to take care of the little rodents using inhumane methods, but it can be hard to get rid of them if you don’t want to hurt them. Thankfully I don’t have a lot of problems with pests around my house. The biggest problem where we live is mosquitoes, and I know exactly what to do about those. Ants can be a bother too, but again I have a solution. 

The video via the link below takes you through how to build a simple, humane mouse trap out of an old soda bottle. It essentially allows the mouse in, but tilts down blocking the mouse from getting out. This is actually a pretty ingenious way to catch mice if you don’t want to deal with mouse traps or poison! DIY tinkerer Chris Notap shows us how it’s done on YouTube!

How to Build a Simple, Humane Mouse Trap Out of an Old Soda Bottle