Canning 101: Rhubarb-Pear Butter Recipe

Canning 101: Rhubarb-Pear Butter Recipe

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Fruit butters are SO easy to make, especially for those who are pectin-challenge (ahem, me). A fruit butter is a sweet spread made of fruit cooked to a paste, then lightly sweetened. The fruit is cooked at first, but not too much, as the fruit will burn and soon lose its sugary taste. However, if done right, the newly made fruit butter or paste can have a texture similar to dairy butter

Fruit butter is also a good way to use up odds and ends of fruit by combining complimentary flavors. Fruit butters can be cooked in larger batches than jams, jellies, and preserves, limited only by pot size and how long you want to stir the puree-sugar combination. To get this delicious rhubarb-pear butter recipe, click the link below….

Canning 101: Rhubarb-Pear Butter Recipe