Canning & Preserving Food for Beginners

Canning & Preserving Food for Beginners

Image:  Debbie Wolfe of the Prudent Garden

Image: Debbie Wolfe of the Prudent Garden

Spring, summer and fall seasons bring us plenty of produce and our garden is usually full to bursting with different fruits and vegetables that are in season. However what about winter? If you have more than enough produce at home, you can preserve some through canning. Many folks think that you only can food through one season, but let me assure you—canning is a year-round money-saver.

There still seems to be a lot of people who don’t like to can, for many reasons – food poisoning, spoilage, exploding pressure canners, and malfunctioning pressure gauges. It’s a shame—not only do they miss out on a well-stocked pantry of convenient and nutritious “fast foods,” but they also miss out on the sheer joy of preserving their garden bounty. That’s what home canning is all about. Debbie Wolfe of the Prudent Garden guests posts over at Lovely Greens – check out all you need to know right here.

Canning & Preserving Food for Beginners