Canning Water – In Case Of Emergency

Canning Water – In Case Of Emergency

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Why buy gallons and gallons of water when you can just can your own? If you’re preparing for an emergency, canning water can be your best bet. This great tutorial does not take a lot of work to do. It’s a nearly free process that can have you storing plenty of water for you and your family in a short amount of time. All you need to do, is every time you can something, whether it is green beans, soup, potatoes, or what-have-you; fill a jar with water and process with the other items per their recommended times. 

Store these with your other canned goods and when you need a source of clean sterilized drinking water, just reach for a jar. Simple! Check out this awesome article from via the link below for all of the information you will need:

Canning Water – In Case Of Emergency