Category: Animals & Pets

5 Fabulous Reasons To Use Raw Honey

5 Fabulous Reasons To Use Raw Honey Raw honey is simply honey that hasn’t been heated, processed or pasteurized at all. The real differences between pasteurized honey and raw honey are very important. Raw honey is a nutritious food that has many natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other essential natural nutrients. These healthy nutrients are …

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25 Most Popular Survival Books

25 Most Popular Survival Books Not everyone’s a Navy Seal or an Eagle Scout. So for those who haven’t received hands-on training in survival skills, studying a quality survival manual is your next best option. Whether you have a full library of self-preservation books, or you are looking to buy your first survival guide, check …

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7 Home Remedies For Bee Stings

7 Home Remedies For Bee Stings Ever been stung by a bee? It can hurt but it can also be dangerous if you are allergic – which isn’t fun! First make sure the stinger is removed (look for a black spot in the bite area), do this immediately as it can reduce the amount of …

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43 Off the Grid Hacks

43 Off the Grid Hacks When hard times hit America, homesteaders and those who practice self-sufficiency won’t skip a beat. Their skills and talents will prepare them for hardships and adversity as other Americans struggle to stay afloat.These off the grid hacks aren’t exactly new, but I am certain at least some of them will …

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133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader

133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader Are you considering getting a lot more serious about homesteading? You do not need to be in a country area with a lot of land to homestead effectively. All you need to do is know the proper skills to apply to get the results you need. A …

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