Category: DIY & Tutorials

50 Coolest DIY Pendant Lights

50 Coolest DIY Pendant Lights Light fixtures are a great way to get started with DIY projects because they are absolutely beautiful and make a very noticeable impact in your home – they’re highly visible and very beautiful, if they are compatible with your home decor. Granted, not all of these ideas are truly recycling-oriented, …

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10+ Pine Cone Crafts for Kids to Make

10+ Pine Cone Crafts for Kids to Make Pine cones are really neat to pick up and look at but did you know that they are the reproductive parts of a pine tree? And believe it or not, there are male and female pine cones??! We didn’t!! Pine cones are really interesting to look at …

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21 Rainbow Crafts & Activities

21 Rainbow Crafts & Activities I am in love with Rainbows at the minute, I think it is becoming somewhat an obsession. Don’t you think that everything looks better in Rainbow, and it is visually appealing and stimulating for children too!! Here’s a wonderful collection of the very best rainbow themed crafts, art ideas, sensory play …

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17 PORTABLE FOODS THAT ARE PERFECT FOR WHEN YOU’RE ON THE GO ” Do you feel like you’re constantly on the go at meal time? Or are you in the car after school running everywhere but the kids want a snack? Before racking up those calories and the expense of drive thru’s every day, check out …

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25 Incredible Banana Bread Recipes

25 Incredible Banana Bread Recipes I firmly believe that banana bread is something you should be able to make anytime and anywhere, with a mixer or with a fork, in a loaf pan or in a muffin tin — whenever you have a few bananas going soft and freckly. Banana bread, I’m pretty sure, is …

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