Category: DIY & Tutorials

50 Modern Bunk Bed Ideas

50 Modern Bunk Bed Ideas Nothing can help maximize the space in a small bedroom like a bunk bed. They are fun and incredibly practical when it comes to saving space. Beds like these aren’t just for kids anymore (lucky us). I ran across Decoist’s bunk bed roundup and I am inspired and happy to …

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25 Pantry Essentials You Need for Scratch Cooking

25 Pantry Essentials You Need for Scratch Cooking Stocking your pantry and refrigerator with some basic healthy food staples will definitely help set you up for success. Having key ingredients on hand when it’s time to cook minimizes stress, eliminates dependency on packaged convenience foods, and maximizes our possibilities. This is a list of the …

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20 Must-Try Summer Science Activities for Kids

20 Must-Try Summer Science Activities for Kids Summer is a wonderful time to explore science because you can be outdoors with children. You don’t have to set up fancy experiments, even just looking at properties of plants and leaves or doing a bit of sinking and floating in the paddling pool is great simple science …

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20 Awesome Ways To Use Old Windows

20 Awesome Ways To Use Old Windows The moto of this story is – Don’t throw away all your old stuff! With a little creativity and imagination, you can make something new and interesting! If you are good at DIY then you can get some great inspiration for your next project right here. To show you that …

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Top 50+ DIY Crafts

Top 50+ DIY Crafts It is very important that everyone recycles when ever possible but there is another option that you can do with your recyclables and that is to up-cycle when ever you can. Why not create fantastic functioning projects to help with your everyday needs? Or even just to have some fun? We …

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