Category: DIY & Tutorials

20 Clever Ideas to Use IKEA Picture Ledges

20 Clever Ideas to Use IKEA Picture Ledges Do you need a solution for organizing your things? Something that won’t occupy much space? We have discovered a roundup to use IKEA picture ledges in different parts of your home not only for organization purposes but also for decorative uses. Among all the fabulous ideas we …

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133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader

133 Homesteading Skills for the Modern Day Homesteader Are you considering getting a lot more serious about homesteading? You do not need to be in a country area with a lot of land to homestead effectively. All you need to do is know the proper skills to apply to get the results you need. A …

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10 Stylish & Cool Room Divider Designs for Your Home

10 Stylish & Cool Room Divider Designs for Your Home A room divider is a screen or piece of furniture placed in a way that divides a room into separate areas. Room dividers will create a more efficient use of the space within the room, you could add accent pieces to add character to the room …

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Home remedies for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

Home remedies for Poison Ivy and Poison Oak A rash from poison ivy is caused by an oil found in the plant called urushiol. When this oil touches your skin, it often causes an itchy, blistering rash. Most people can safely treat the rash at home. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, …

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Make Your Own Sleep Salve

Make Your Own Sleep Salve Sleep is essential to keep our mind and body functioning as it should – but sometimes we need a little help to drift off to dream land. That’s why we are featuring this fantastic recipe to help you get a perfect nights sleep. This recipe is all-natural, easy to make, and …

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