20 Household Tricks That Will Blow Your Mind Housework is a necessary evil, but it can seem a little less so with these amazing house cleaning tricks. I prefer to get all the cleaning done at once and as quickly as possible. So anything that helps to save me time or helps me to skip …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
20 Relaxing Tropical Bathroom Designs
20 Relaxing Tropical Bathroom Designs Relaxation can be achieved in a variety of forms. Today we found a collection of 20 relaxing tropical bathroom designs that are meant to have a spa-like feel to help you relax. Even though it is one of the smallest rooms in our house, having a high-quality bathroom is so worth it! Granted, it …
31 Different Ways To Hold Your Votive Candles
31 Different Ways To Hold Your Votive Candles Candles have been around for ages. In fact, the earliest known candles originated in China around 200 BC. They then appeared in Europe after 400 AD. The first candles were made of natural fat and wax and later on oil was used. Paraffin revolutionized candle-making in 1830. …
13 Plants That Give You Bang for Your Buck
13 Plants That Give You Bang for Your Buck Let’s be honest, while gardening can be a great hobby, it can also be expensive sometimes. You can save some money if you know which plants give you the most bang for your buck. While planting a garden is not an overly taxing chore, planning for a …
50+ Amazing Spray Paint Projects
50+ Amazing Spray Paint Projects I love spray paint. It has the unique and unbelievably easy ability to transform pretty much any old piece of junk into something fantastic. This round-up from savedbylovecreations.com as it all – it’s exploding with inspiration! Get inspired to try something new with these amazing ideas that include everything from transforming …