Category: DIY & Tutorials

Chocolate Chip Recipes

Chocolate Chip Recipes I think that every Monday should just be considered a part of the weekend and we should all have the day off of work. A girl can dream, right? There’s something about Mondays that are just a little sad and depressing. Maybe it’s because the weekend is over and you have five …

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How To Make Your Own Herbal Jello

How To Make Your Own Herbal Jello I know, it sounds crazy. Herbal Tea Jello? Really? Yes, really! When I was a kid, I HATED taking medication! But if you were sick, you had no choice! Getting me to take medicines was really hard back then – but if someone had told me to eat …

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13 No-Mess Activities For Kids

13 No-Mess Activities For Kids Busy moms, dads, and teachers don’t always have the time (or the energy) to clean up a huge mess after the kids have gone crazy with shaving cream or a big bin of sand. These relatively simple, not super creative, non-messy activities for toddlers and young children are just the trick!. …

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15 Creative DIY Fence Design Ideas

15 Creative DIY Fence Design Ideas Make a creative and inspiring garden fence for your yard, garden, or for increased privacy. Many cheap garden fencing ideas can be creating by using old items around the house or simply painting funky colors. Regardless of the design, an enhanced garden fence will make your yard much more …

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21 Brilliant Ideas for Boy & Girl Shared Bedroom

21 Brilliant Ideas for Boy & Girl Shared Bedroom For parents living in a small home that lacks the needed number of bedrooms for each child to live separately, pairing the kids together becomes the only option. When two girls or two boys share the room decorating, designing and organizing the bedroom is an easy …

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