Category: DIY & Tutorials

How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment

How to Create a Safe Room in Your House or Apartment Seen the movie Panic Room with Jodi Foster? Ever wanted your own panic room? It provides a bolt hole or a hideaway in your house where you can be secure from a home invasion or from a tornado, hurricane and other natural disasters. The …

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Dutch Apple Bread Recipe

Dutch Apple Bread Recipe It is always around this time of year that we get to see the fun baked goods come out. There are so many that it is hard to pick one! THIS Dutch Apple Bread is perfect with a cup of coffee for breakfast. You could even do what I do and …

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How to Build A U-Shaped Raised Garden Bed

How to Build A U-Shaped Raised Garden Bed Growing your own food is super popular these days. A raised garden bed really is the only option if you live in the city and have a small backyard space. I like the design of the bed created by My Daily Randomness and I am excited to …

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13 Spectacular DIY Chicken Wire Craft Ideas

13 Spectacular DIY Chicken Wire Craft Ideas Chicken wire can be used for a lot of creative and useful crafts. You don’t need to have chickens to use it! Best of all, chicken wire is inexpensive, so you can make some beautifully stylish creations on a shoestring budget. Not many people think about using chicken wire …

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10 Cool Garden Shed Designs That You Will Love

10 Cool Garden Shed Designs That You Will Love Gardening is one of the greatest hobbies because it gets you out into nature and gives you a real sense of pride and accomplishment on a daily basis. Garden sheds are the perfect addition to any backyard or deck because they keep all of your tools …

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