Category: DIY & Tutorials

Cinnamon Skillet Bread with Warm Cheesecake Dip

Cinnamon Skillet Bread with Warm Cheesecake Dip If you haven’t bought a cast iron skillet yet, this recipe will make you go out and buy one now. I know I’m supposed to be healthy, but cheesecake! I wonder how it would turn out in the small cast iron skillets. Individual servings for less guilt?! Cinnamon …

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60+ Oreo Recipes

60+ Oreo Recipes The classic Oreo cookie is best known for dunking into cold milk, but what happens when some of the best food bloggers get their hands on them and use them as a main ingredient in their recipes? Get creative in the kitchen with these Oreo cookie recipes. So, for your Oreo-loving pleasure, …

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10 Cool DIY Outdoor Bench Projects You Will Love

10 Cool DIY Outdoor Bench Projects You Will Love I’ve spent most of this spring working on projects in our living room, but I’ve been itching to get outside and work on our outdoor spaces too! I found this great article over at, which features 10 DIY outdoor bench projects – Perfect for our backyard!  I …

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20 Amazing DIY Ideas for Outdoor Rusted Metal Projects

20 Amazing DIY Ideas for Outdoor Rusted Metal Projects I’m a big fan of certain things in the garden… stone, concrete, metal and wood. Nothing seems to be more useless and ruined than our metal tools and objects that get all rusty. However, with a little creativity and an artistic touch, you can turn that used-to-be …

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23 Awesome DIY Industrial Furniture Designs

23 Awesome DIY Industrial Furniture Designs Industrial style is very popular these days. Also the industrial furniture can be very cool and chic. Metal and wood are two common industrial furniture materials. Since these supplies are versatile, it goes without saying that industrial pieces blend well with a variety of design styles, from the rustic …

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