How To Grow 90 Pounds Of Tomatoes From Only 5 Plants Mention the word “garden” and the first picture to pop in most people’s mind is the – Tomato! Big juicy tomatoes, small cherry varieties, plum, yellow, orange and heirloom! You can’t beat a juicy tomato!! Whether this is your first time planting or you …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
29 Fantastic Garden Lighting Ideas
29 Fantastic Garden Lighting Ideas Spring is here and wouldn’t it be nice to make the garden an enjoyable place to sit down and relax both day and night? A beautiful garden deserves a stylish lighting such as small or dimmed lights in corners, or wall lights made of old wine bottles and mason jars. …
19 Delicious and Easy Pasta Salads
19 Delicious and Easy Pasta Salads ” The only food item that screams summer more than watermelon is pasta salad! I am not sure what exactly it is about them that makes them favorite summer dish of mine, but they sure are. I love that I can make a huge batch and then feed my …
How to Divide & Transplant Hostas in Your Yard
How to Divide & Transplant Hostas in Your Yard “Do you have some areas in your landscape that need filling in? If so, hostas can be perfect for getting the job done. Separating old and large hosta plants is the perfect way to get free plants for your space. But the trick is knowing how …
Grass Stain Remover! The Ultimate DIY Laundry Spot Remover
Grass Stain Remover! The Ultimate DIY Laundry Spot Remover So, you’re absolutely fed up with grass stains. Whether it is stains that you got from working in your beautiful garden, or perhaps a stain that your kids happily brought home from digging up ants to join their insect collection. Either way, grass stains can be …