Category: DIY & Tutorials

Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden

Awesome DIY Bird Houses for A Garden With the arrival of spring, it means lots of birds will be migrating back! YAY! I want to be prepared for their arrival and by greeting them with gorgeous bird feeders. To get in the groove for spring gardening, i am sharing ideas to make birdhouses! There are beautiful …

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Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake

Irish Apple Cake ” This particular apple cake recipe is mildly spiced with an inner core of thinly sliced tart apples, topped with an crumbly oat streusel. Tradition dictates serving it with some thick cream, or a luscious custard sauce. ” This Irish Apple Cake looks scrumptious. It actually has three parts to this recipe, …

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10 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads

10 Best Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Blackheads Blackheads are a very common and annoying problem for both men and women. It occurs when the skin pores get clogged due to the excess secretion of sebum and also due to dry dead skin. This oil is made by the sebaceous glands to make your …

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21 Amazing DIY Greenhouses With Great Tutorials

21 Amazing DIY Greenhouses With Great Tutorials Having fresh fruits and veggies and being able to enjoy fresh flowers throughout the years makes for a healthier and happier life.  However, in most of the country, this is not possible because of the changing seasons and temperate weather. This is where a greenhouse comes in because …

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Instant Chocolate Fudge

Instant Chocolate Fudge

Instant Chocolate Fudge Right now over on the Hugs and Cookies blog, they have this amazing recipe for Instant Chocolate Fudge! They found this recipe and adapted it from the lovely Joan from her blog Chocolate, Chocolate and More! Unfortunately Joan has passed away, so please carry on visiting her page too in her memory …

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