Category: DIY & Tutorials

19 Stunning Garden Pathways That You Can Make On Your Own

19 Stunning Garden Pathways That You Can Make On Your Own Summer is my favorite time to enjoy our garden: the blooming flowers, fresh homegrown vegetables, tasty fruits…It would be nice to add a sweet touch to the beautiful garden with some handmade garden crafts. So I am now planning for this summer – I …

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33 Genius Hacks Guaranteed To Make A Parent’s Job Easier

33 Genius Hacks Guaranteed To Make A Parent’s Job Easier I do love a good buzzfeed article, especially parenting ones! Most days I feel I run around in circles. My daughter (20 months) can be demanding at times, not in a bad way but always wanting to learn! I literaly get 10 minutes before I go to …

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10 Wonderful Ideas to Decorate An Outdoor Tree

10 Wonderful Ideas to Decorate An Outdoor Tree If you have a view of the backyard from your kitchen, living room, or another spot inside your house that you spend a lot of time in, this is a fun decorating idea that can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. How abut wrapping fairy lights around …

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19 Aluminum Foil Hacks Your Mom Never taught You

19 Aluminum Foil Hacks Your Mom Never taught You If there is, one thing that you can barely miss in people’s homes is aluminum foil. I bet you have no clue how resourceful aluminum foil really is. It can actually help your veggies and fruits last longer. The good thing is that there are numerous interesting …

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16 DIY Smokehouse Ideas

16 DIY Smokehouse Ideas Thanks to the efforts of the DIY enthusiasts, you can build your own backyard smokehouse with very simple materials and basic skills. It will save you money and give you more flexibility regarding the size and material for the smokehouse. A BBQ smokehouse erected in your own back yard allows you …

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