20 Easy Ways To Boost Circulation You probably give a lot more thought to maintaining your weight than your circulation. But if you’re interested in preventing disease and cleansing your body of toxins, pollutants, additives and chemicals, your circulatory system is your friend — and it needs your help to stay strong. There are many …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
8 Simple Exercises for Knee Pain Relief
8 Simple Exercises for Knee Pain Relief Is it hard to climb stairs? Is it painful to stand after you’ve sat for a long time? You don’t have to put up with knee pain, and you don’t need to fight it with pills all the time. Relief could be just a stretch away – literally! Inactivity, …
Christmas Neighbor Gift Ideas
Christmas Neighbor Gift Ideas It’s that time of year…time to think of what you can do for your neighbors to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays. Do you struggle with that at all? I do! It is always a bit stressful to come with ideas for what to give your neighbors every Christmas, so Amy …
Cinnamon Roll Breadtwists
Cinnamon Roll Breadtwists It is safe to say that Cinnamon is my biggest addiction. Any time I see ANYTHING even remotely cinnamon related, I have to make it. I am exactly the same with anything with lemon – yum! I couldn’t resist sharing these irresistible cinnamon twists with you. I imagine you baking them for …
107 Everyday Uses for Coconut Oil
107 Everyday Uses for Coconut Oil Coconut oil is so versatile, it’s uses are pretty much endless! Have you heard all of the hype lately? Where have you been? It seems to be the new miracle product claiming to do so many different things that its almost too good to be true….There are always new ideas …