Category: DIY & Tutorials

18 Genius Ways to Use Castile Soap

18 Genius Ways to Use Castile Soap The problem with a lot of brand name soaps is that they’re over-processed with an unnatural number of chemical products. Some of them are also tested on animals, and really do more harm than good. Bigger corporations try to save money by sacrificing safety for a cheaper alternative, …

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36 Breezy Beach Inspired DIY Home Decorating Ideas

36 Breezy Beach Inspired DIY Home Decorating Ideas I just love the calming colors that go along with this decorating scheme! I LOVE IT!!! We have not long returned from a lovely beach holiday and this has given me a great idea for a family project! How about collecting some sand from your holiday to use? …

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10 Clever Kitchen Products to Boost Storage

10 Clever Kitchen Products to Boost Storage There is never any room in the kitchen for everything that you need to store. Really, no matter how big your kitchen is or how many cabinets you may have, you are going to face storage issues from time to time. Being organized is one of the first …

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150 Remarkable Projects and Ideas to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

150 Remarkable Projects and Ideas to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal Whether you’re planning to sell your home soon, or just would like it to look nicer to you the moment you see it as you’re returning home from work, there are many ways to enhance the curb appeal of your home that you can …

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15 Brilliant Ways to Repurpose Old Bed Springs

15 Brilliant Ways to Repurpose Old Bed Springs Where do mattresses go to die? The landfill, most often. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s still life under what looks like old junk, if you’re willing to uncover it. If you have at home old nonfunctional bed and want to get rid of it, …

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