Category: DIY & Tutorials

Homemade Eucalyptus Shower Steamers

Homemade Eucalyptus Shower Steamers Some people just don’t like to take baths (I love my bath!!) but sometimes I just get too hot, especially through the summer months! Sometimes a shower can be the perfect healing apparatus for me as I am always getting colds (I catch them from my daughter all the time!). Like …

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Grow A Sunflower Playhouse

Grow A Sunflower Playhouse Creating an outdoor play area with living plants can be a fun experience for the whole family. From purchasing the seeds or seedlings to digging the holes, there are ways to include even the smallest members of your family in this project. Consider purchasing kid-sized tools to make digging easier, and …

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20 {Easy} Kid Lunch Ideas

20 {Easy} Kid Lunch Ideas It’s 7 a.m. and you’re standing in your kitchen staring blankly into the fridge and wondering, “What am I going to make for my kid’s lunch? That’s fast? And healthy? That he’ll actually eat? “ Boring kids’ lunches are criticized more than a professional chef’s cooking. Whether you’re eating at …

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Home-made Windmill Craft

Home-made Windmill Craft No child’s play land is ever complete without a proper windmill, right? The more we see dotting our landscape today, the more appropriate it is to explore what they are and why they are important with our children, and, as all DIYers know, there’s no better way to do this than to …

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Declutter Your Home

Declutter Your Home From old and raggedy clothing to scrap pieces of machinery, we all could stand to part with a few un-needed items in our homes. As dedicated DIYer’s and also as people who hate to waste, we can sometimes end up holding on to a variety of things that we no longer need. …

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