Category: DIY & Tutorials

Home Remedy For Warts

Home Remedy For Warts Warts are caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which has over 100 types. Different types affect people in different ways, usually depending on the strength of their immune system. Common warts usually grow on your fingers and toes but can appear elsewhere. They have a rough, grainy appearance and a rounded …

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DIY Herb Mason Jars

DIY Herb Mason Jars Mason jar DIY has been exploding lately, and I love anything to do with a mason jar! The Mason jar indoor garden is ideal for herb gardens, and a favorite among urban centre dwellers who might not have space for an earthen garden of their own! Since these herbs are being …

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25 Ideas To Hide A Laundry Room

25 Ideas To Hide A Laundry Room Let’s face it. Doing laundry is no ones favorite thing to do. A practical laundry room is a dream room we all wish to have at our homes! When there is not enough space for a dedicated room we come up with different solutions like hiding the washing machines in hallways, …

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3 – Ingredient Cake Mix Cookies

3 – Ingredient Cake Mix Cookies These cookies will take you hardly any time to make and they are fun for your kids to make them! They are a favorite of mine and they are so simple! You can add 1/2 can of frosting, if you want the frosted when cooled – and don’t forget the …

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15 Fabulous Pallet Projects for Your Kids’ Room

15 Fabulous Pallet Projects for Your Kids’ Room Bright and vivid colors – that is the first thought that comes into your mind when you think of how to decorate your child’s bedroom. You could opt for making a lot of things yourself, this way you spend little money, for example – using pallets! All …

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