Category: DIY & Tutorials


DIY “WARMING SALVE” FOR COLD FINGERS & TOES! This is a salve that can be a real lifesaver in cold Winter weather. Jillee explains how her sister, Rebecca, was shovelling snow and ended up with freezing hands. Rebecca went inside  and  grabbed a jar of “Naked Salve”, which is a salve with no essential oils …

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How To Build The Ultimate Compost Bin

How To Build The Ultimate Compost Bin You can compost at home with one of many commercially available compost bins, but making your own compost bin is really easy. Depending on the type of compost bin you choose you can build a compost bin in a matter of minutes-for little money-and be on your way to …

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Ultimate Holiday Hacks!

Ultimate Holiday Hacks! They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but Christmas is also the most stressful time of the year. With all the gift buying, present wrapping, decorating, hosting, and all the good things that come along with the holiday season, it can get to be a little much. It doesn’t …

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50 of the BEST DIY Gift Ideas

50 of the BEST DIY Gift Ideas Are you ever stuck for ideas when it comes to giving gifts? Whether you need to give your loved ones, friends or colleagues a special gift, we have the answer for you… MAKE IT YOURSELF! Here are 50 of the best DIY gift ideas from so you can …

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7 Natural Toothpaste Recipes

7 Natural Toothpaste Recipes These homemade toothpaste recipes are 100% natural, perfectly edible, and full of the minerals your teeth need to re-build enamel and maintain healthy teeth and gums.These recipes utilize natural ingredients like coconut oil, baking soda and bentonite clay to clean teeth and nourish the gums. Several of them were designed to be squeezable …

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