Category: DIY & Tutorials

Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder

Eco-Friendly Bird Feeder I love fresh grapefruit, and winter is the season when this fruit is at its best. Instead of throwing away the rind,  make a bird feeder. This is a great winter project for the family. I have decided to make my own feeder this winter from a design suggested by Luckily, …

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30 Minute Arm Knit Infinity Scarf

30 Minute Arm Knit Infinity Scarf YES, this is a serious post! Arm knitting…. who would of thought it?! It’s amazing! When I stumbled upon 30 Minute Infinity Scarf tutorial by Audra from it made me feel so enthusiastic about this fabulous idea I just have to try it! I’m pretty sure that this is the easiest …

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Cool Desk Accessories That Bring Fun Into The Office

Cool Desk Accessories That Bring Fun Into The Office You spend almost half of your day in the office, you should make your office a little more enjoyable, and at least live-able. If you’re feeling a bit uninspired in your office, it’s time to spruce up your office. You don’t need any major renovations, just …

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Baked Apple Cinnamon Donuts

Baked Apple Cinnamon Donuts These are packed full of fresh apples and homemade applesauce (ours were home grown not from a jar!), they have just the right amount of sweetness, and they are to-die-for with a morning cup of tea! I promise you, these tasty treats will soon become a must-have on your fall wishlist! …

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DIY Above Ground Plunge Pool

DIY Above Ground Plunge Pool I have always wanted one of these! Could never afford to buy one! I saw this DIY Above Ground Plunge Pool over at and I was so excited! Now we (my husband!) can build our very own! This is a step by step tutorial of how to build your very own …

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