Category: DIY & Tutorials

Elf-on-the-Shelf Ideas

Elf-on-the-Shelf Ideas The story describes how Santa’s “scout elves” hide in people’s homes to watch over events. Once everyone goes to bed, the scout elf flies back to the North Pole to report to Santa the activities, good and bad, that have taken place throughout the day. Before the family wakes up each morning, the …

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DIY Sugar Scrubs

DIY Sugar Scrubs Those expensive sugar scrubs you see in department stores and spas… they cost pennies to make! Sugar scrubs are a simple beauty recipe with countless variations, and they can be incredibly moisturizing and exfoliating to the skin. If you are new to making your own beauty products I highly encourage you to try out …

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Bourbon Glazed Meatloaf

Bourbon Glazed Meatloaf This meatloaf itself is a moist blend of beef and pork, lightened up with fresh breadcrumbs, egg, and onion.  Pretty much the basic recipe.  The glaze is an intense concoction of sweet and sour, with a hit of heat and anchored by lots of smooth Bourbon. The thick bourbon glaze looks like a …

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25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas

25 Cookie Cutter Craft Ideas Did you know you have a craft supply right in your kitchen cabinets? It’s true, cookie cutters have so many fun uses! Making cookies is certainly fun, but there are lots of other uses as well. Themed sandwiches, candle making, bird feeders and printing wrapping paper – It’s all here …

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110+ Ways To Save Water

110+ Ways To Save Water Did you know that less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people? The rest is salt water (the kind you find in the ocean) or is permanently frozen and we can’t drink it, wash with it, or use it to water plants. As our …

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