21 Essential Drinking Hacks Everyone Needs To Know When I first read ‘ 21 Essential Drinking Hacks Everyone Needs To Know ‘ I thought, yeah right! But as continued reading them I just had to share with you guys! These are some seriously cool ideas! Half of these I didn’t know! Over at diply.com they have compiled …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
DIY Organizer from Old Window
DIY Organizer from Old Window I am so tired of writing and rewriting my to do lists everyday and then what do I do? Misplace them (GRRR)…. And then there’s my darling husband reminding me of the same things everyday but yet he forgets his jobs too! This project would be awesome as an organizer …
Frozen Olaf Salt Dough Ornament
Frozen Olaf Salt Dough Ornament Salt dough ornaments are SO easy to make and can become a little tradition in the build up the Christmas for your family. These easy to make homemade decorations are such a fun craft and you can enjoy the process as much as the end product! They are so simple that even …
Natural Remedy: Kids Honey Lemon Sore Throat Lollipops
Natural Remedy: Kids Honey Lemon Sore Throat Lollipops It is now November and all of the germs have come out to play! These honey lemon sore throat lollipops are a great soothing remedy to ease discomfort. Brittany and Kristin over at homespunwithlove.com share the recipe for this natural remedy with more helpful information. You can …
40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items
40+ Incredible Double-Duty Tips For Household Items Going to the store is not always something you are interested in doing to solve every problem. So I found this great article on how to solve home problems quickly and easily at simplehouseholdtips.com. Have you ever considered using old wine bottles to keep your boots stiff and …