Category: DIY & Tutorials

How to Do a Paraffin Treatment at Home

How to Do a Paraffin Treatment at Home Paraffin-wax therapy softens the skin and eases the pain of sore joints and muscles. Paraffin wax absorbs and retains heat; this heat transfers to your tissues and joints when you apply the wax to your skin, which can help arthritis, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. The heat also opens …

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Homemade Cinnamon Pear Jam

Homemade Cinnamon Pear Jam Well, pears are back in season and this year I decided to look up some pear recipes and make some that I know my family would love.  One of the first recipes I came across was cinnamon pear jam.  Yum, right?  It screams comfort, cozy, and Fall. The warm flavors of fall …

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DIY HALLOWEEN FACE PAINT IDEAS Halloween is just couple of weeks away. Make your Halloween memorable this time by properly preparing for Halloween and using these face paint ideas to help you! Some of these are super easy and some are for more of the talented moms and dads! But that doesn’t matter because last …

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DIY Mason Jar Sewing Kit

DIY Mason Jar Sewing Kit I loved the fact that you can use a mason jar, because as you know by now, I LOVE mason jars. And I love that the lid is a pin cushion!! The best part is that you can completely customize it using whatever fabric you please, and you can fill …

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DIY Weekly Steam Facial Cleanse

DIY Weekly Steam Facial Cleanse Facials at the spa are costly but effective to maintain great and healthy skin. Facial steams are a great alternative to the hefty price tags of spa facials. When done once a week you will see an improvement in your skin’s texture and reduce clogged pores. Yes, you can now …

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