Category: DIY & Tutorials

9 Gardening Tips For Cold Weather

9 Gardening Tips For Cold Weather When it comes to gardening, the cold weather can present problems and most people are forced to abandon their plants during the winter…but that doesn’t have to be the case! Growers in all types of climates can grow a productive winter vegetable garden. In some areas, this requires the protection …

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Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car

Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car We spend a lot of time in our cars. So, it makes sense that everyone should have some kind of survival kit with them right? I really do hate putting a lot of money into something I probably won’t use, but on the flip side I want to …

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ANTI-BACTERIAL HAND SCRUB Looks like we are well into flu season and there are several nasty stomach bugs and upper respiratory things going around as well. I find myself washing my hands A LOT trying to avoid any germs from co-workers, fellow bus riders, etc., but this dries my already chapped hands even more! I need …

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18 Amazing Alternative Christmas Trees

18 Amazing Alternative Christmas Trees I am so sorry, yes I am about to say the ‘C’ word! Just wanted to show you this round-up of alternative Christmas trees. Some of these are truly amazing! While pine trees are often the most traditional source of decor for the holiday season, these alternative Christmas tree ideas are …

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Cure Throat Pain with Cumin & Palm Candy

Cure Throat Pain with Cumin & Palm Candy Sore throats are usually painful and annoying. They cause discomfort, pain, or scratchiness in the throat and worsens when you swallow. Sore throats are common and can affect people of all ages. Usually soreness is worse in the morning and improves gradually as the day progresses. Generally …

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