How to Print Pictures on Wood Getting images onto wood can be a tough task. There’s a quicker, easier way and it’s as simple as printing and placing the image right on top of the wood. There are many difficult ways to go about putting your photos on wood, but if you’re looking for something …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
Home Made Fruit and Spice Apple Sauce Blends
Home Made Fruit and Spice Apple Sauce Blends There is nothing better than your own home made apple sauce… So tasty and so easy to make! Now you can experience apple sauce with a twist because Monica over at has created some unique blends. Monica has developed five healthy varieties of apple sauce with …
Make Your Own Spiced Pickles, Relishes & Chutney’s
Make Your Own Spiced Pickles, Relishes & Chutney’s The chilly months will soon be here and I find they are also the best time to make your own. Not only do these simple recipes make the most of seasonal produce, they are home made. There’s nothing quite like a home made chutney or pickle to …
Save on Heat with Fire Bricks
Save on Heat with Fire Bricks Ok, so fire bricks are more expensive than regular red bricks, but they do go for less than $5 in most locations. I wouldn’t say it was that bad as it is lowering your fuel and energy consumption…. Fire bricks absorb the heat from the oven, so once your …
Halloween Eyeballs Treat For Kids
Halloween Eyeballs Treat For Kids I’m sure you have searched the Pinterest boards and Google images looking for fun, easy treats to make for Halloween? I wanted something kid friendly but a little bit spooky too. So, I came across these Oreos that you can turn into eyeballs, this idea is over at I …