DIY Planter Box Bench Stumbled on this awesome post over at! I think this is the most beautiful planter I have ever seen and what makes it really special, it’s also a bench! The best part about this bench is that the majority of it is made from cedar fence pickets! This keeps the cost …
Category: DIY & Tutorials
How to Make Citronella Candles
How to Make Citronella Candles Essential oils are a long-used solution for invading insects. Eucalyptus wards off ticks. Ants hate peppermint oil and patchouli keeps fleas at bay. Perhaps best known, citronella oil, extracted from a grass related to lemongrass, is very good at keeping mosquitoes away. It is a common ingredient in bug sprays …
Homesteading with Small Children
Homesteading with Small Children Living on a homestead is all about life skills so try to involve children in everything. From growing vegetables in the garden to building a new chicken coop. Even though they are young, children can do a lot on their own when guided. Children can adapt and participate in a homestead …
DIY: Natural Sleep Spray
DIY: Natural Sleep Spray This is yet another natural way to help you get to sleep faster and experience more peaceful, restful sleep. If you suffer from insomnia then this is great for you, or if it just takes you a while to fall asleep then this will work, too. Benefits: Lavender Can have a calming …
Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion
Lemon Cream Cleaning Lotion Would you like an all-natural, lemon-scented lotion that will clean and disinfect sinks, bathtubs, and greasy stove tops? Humblebeeandme has the perfect recipe!! It uses d-limone and 3 other ingredients to produce a creamy cleaning lotion. Thanks to one ingredient, it also has a bit of abrasion to scrub away surface …