Category: DIY & Tutorials

Make Your Own White Sangria

Make Your Own White Sangria Usually, when hosting any parties, it’s fun to have a corner filled with pitchers of margaritas, fizzes and sangria. Having both red and white sangria would be perfect for different tastes and preferences.While red wine is the traditional wine used in authentic Spanish sangria recipes, white wines have proven that …

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DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower Using PVC Pipes

DIY Hydroponic Garden Tower Using PVC Pipes This tutorial teaches you how to build your own hydroponic garden tower, this will allow you to grow delicious vegetables!! Who doesn’t want that?? This article comes with a FREE video and FREE PVC plans to make your very own!! When you have completed this project you will then …

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Orange Wax Wood Polish

Orange Wax Wood Polish The thing about wood is that is does need to be cared for. Especially when it’s getting a lot of use! For example when using wooden cutting boards and salad spoons the wood tends to dry out and lose its lustre, the same goes for your furniture! This is a simple …

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DIY Natural Clay Mascara

DIY Natural Clay Mascara I have been searching long and hard for home made mascara that actually works, and it’s been more difficult than I had imagined. It is actually quite easy to make your own Home made Natural Mascara. You simply add all of the ingredients together and mix! The brush you use also makes a big difference, …

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DIY Grease-Busting Cleaning Powder

DIY Grease-Busting Cleaning Powder This stuff is awesome and the recipe uses just three ingredients. Really, you’ll need to have a food processor so that you can use it to grind and blend the three ingredients into a fine soap powder. Marie explains the best way to use this grease-busting cleaning powder. All you have …

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