14 Simple DIY Solar Power Projects Solar energy is a truly great thing. With these 14 sun-powered projects, you can turn a sunny day off into some brag-worthy, possibly money-saving backyard tech. Although it will cost you a little bit of money for materials, the free renewable energy you get in return will more than …
Category: Gardening tips
10 Healthiest Spices for Cooking and Tips for Using Them!
10 Healthiest Spices for Cooking and Tips for Using Them! If you’re like me, you have an entire drawer of spices, but have no idea how to use them. Not only are herbs and spices a low-cal way to add zest to your meal, but they also have a slew of health benefits. Some can …
How to Make a Personal Fire Pit For Cheap!
How to Make a Personal Fire Pit For Cheap! Fire pits are great as they can help you to bring your friends together. If you are planning a get-together with your friends or relatives then you must know how to make a personal fire pit. There are so many ways to make your own fire …
Top 20 Most Under-Rated Healing Herbs You Need To Know About
Top 20 Most Under-Rated Healing Herbs You Need To Know About We all know how great rosemary, thyme, peppermint, lavender and sage can be for both culinary purposes and for healing – but what about these twenty healing herbs that you probably don’t use – and may not have even heard of? For example: 1. …
Beginner Gardeners: Understand Weed Control
Beginner Gardeners: Understand Weed Control As a beginner, the gardening equipment and tools section of your local DIY store can seem a little daunting, so start with the basics. You don’t need a lot to start out with, but the key is to buy individual items that are perfectly suited to you. Weeds can especially …