Category: Gardening tips

Dollar Store DIY

Dollar Store DIY One of my very favorite activities is going to the dollar store and thinking of things to make from the products there.  It forces me to be thrifty, and to think outside of the box. There are so many neat ways that you can re-purpose things that you find at your local Dollar …

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DIY Herb Mason Jars

DIY Herb Mason Jars Mason jar DIY has been exploding lately, and I love anything to do with a mason jar! The Mason jar indoor garden is ideal for herb gardens, and a favorite among urban centre dwellers who might not have space for an earthen garden of their own! Since these herbs are being …

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DIY Root Cellar Storage

DIY Root Cellar Storage I think this DIY project would work great for pantry or basement storage! I can see lots of options with this, it’s perfect because it can be customized to fit your needs and space! Materials: Note: Quantities depend on the size of your shelving system and the number of shelves, bins, and/or …

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DIY 101: Which Glue Should I Use? (Adhesive Chart Included)

DIY 101: Which Glue Should I Use? (Adhesive Chart Included) Wood glue, hot glue, super glue and white glue (there are more!!) There are certain types of glue for certain uses – each one serves it’s purpose! What glue should I use? Adhesive is essential in crafting world. Your glue selection could make or break your …

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How to set up your first beehive

How to set up your first beehive If you are thinking of setting up your first hive then this article is for you! Setting up a beehive is not difficult. You just have to know a few things. And it is pretty much like anything else, you have to learn a few new words and …

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