25 Fabulous Uses for Leftover Lemon Peels Clean Sinks and Bathtubs Lemon Facials for Toning and Skin Brightening Deter cats And MORE! Can you believe that someone has gathered a whole 25 uses for your left over lemon peels?! So when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade? But what about making things like natural …
Category: Gardening tips
20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose
20 Extraordinary Uses for Old Pantyhose The annoying thing about pantyhose? They snag and tear very easily. The amazing thing about pantyhose? They have about a gazillion practical uses even if you can no longer wear them! Did you know pantyhose could be re-purposed for so many practical things? Nope, me neither! From straining your …
45 Uses for Plastic Grocery Bags
45 Uses for Plastic Grocery Bags It’s never too late to learn a tip or two about frugality and alternative uses for items clogging up the environment and this article gives just that! Seriously though, what are we supposed to do with all those bags? Bags that multiply quicker than coat hangers! Leftover shopping bags aren’t just …
DIY Garden Hanging Basket
DIY Garden Hanging Basket Hanging baskets are great for brightening up your outdoor space. You can use all kinds of plants, so it’s easy to create interesting and colorful displays. The big issue with hanging baskets is that they dry out quickly, so this could be a problem when growing vegetables – as most like …
7 Reasons to Start Homesteading Today
7 Reasons to Start Homesteading Today Are you still dreaming about becoming a homesteader some day? Wherever you are right now, you should know that you can take a step toward your homesteading dreams today. It is not that difficult to get started and you don’t have to be out on the prairie to be …